Reflexology is a safe and natural therapy that rebalances circulation and puts the body into a deep state of relaxation, thus encouraging the body to heal itself. 

At Safflower Acupuncture Clinic, our experienced reflexologist, Margherita Tessarin, uses her wealth of knowledge to blend traditional techniques and go beyond symptom management, focusing on your long-term holistic health. 

Whether you are navigating pain and stress or looking to enhance your overall wellbeing, we're here to support you on your journey to wellbeing. If you’re curious about any of our treatments, please call or message us, we’d love to hear from you.

  • What is reflexology?

    This ancient practice has been used for thousands of years (in China, Egypt and India) and is based on the theory that these reflex points correspond with different organs and systems in the body. 

    It involves taking a comprehensive view of your health as a whole and systematically applying gentle pressure to specific reflex points on the feet and hands to stimulate corresponding organs and systems in the body.

    What are the benefits of reflexology? 

    Our clients are drawn to reflexology for its ability to support hormonal health and stress reduction, pain relief (without side effects), detox and improve circulation, improve sleep, and promote natural healing. Many people also come to us for help with specific conditions such as pregnancy, arthritis, and digestive conditions.

    How Often Should I Have Reflexology?

    The frequency of reflexology sessions can depend on your health goals and the advice of your reflexologist. Some may benefit from weekly sessions, while others may find a session every few weeks or monthly beneficial.

    Reflexology vs Acupressure vs Acupuncture

    While each of these practices manipulate the body to relieve stress and promote health, they differ in their methods and areas of focus. Reflexology is based on the belief that on the soles of feet or palms, there is a map of body organs and systems. Reflexology specifically targets reflex points on feet and hands based on the individual person's needs; acupuncture uses needles to target points along the body's meridians, and acupressure applies pressure to these acupuncture points without needles.

    Is Reflexology Safe?

    Reflexology is considered safe for most people. If you have any conditions like foot injuries, infections, or blood clotting disorders, please let us know. 

  • Reflexology for Back Pain

    Many people turn to reflexology for relief from chronic back pain. By improving circulation and interrupting repetitive stress, we support muscle relaxation and the body's natural healing processes. 

    Reflexology may serve as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments for back pain, such as physical therapy and medication. 

    Reflexology for Fertility

    Reflexology is often used as a complementary therapy by individuals and couples trying to conceive. Proponents believe reflexology can support fertility by reducing stress and cortisol, balancing hormone levels, and improving circulation to reproductive organs. 

    Reflexology for Pregnancy

    The wellbeing of expecting mothers is vital for their baby's healthy growth and development. Many women seek reflexology to alleviate pregnancy symptoms like nausea, backache, and stress. It's also believed to help prepare the body for labour. 

    Reflexology for Menopause

    Many women are starting to turn to reflexology as an alternative or complementary treatment to Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) for managing symptoms associated with menopause. Reflexology may help by promoting relaxation and balancing the body's systems, including hormonal fluctuations during menopause.