Before we start the client sets their intention. This is important as it gives purpose and direction to the session. We can look at either a health issue or a personal issue. For example, maybe an individual has trouble relaxing, has too many chaotic thoughts and would like peace of mind, and more stillness.

Maybe a client needs to make a decision and would like clarity to make that decision. Cacao, pranayama and meditation are each a ‘medicine’ bringing different elements to balance and support the mind and body. It is only from this place of equilibrium can we begin to make decisions and start the healing process of the body. 

Benefits of Cacao

When we sit and share cacao, we are sharing ceremonial cacao, which is made from 100% pure criollo beans, the best quality of cacao. It is made by hand, with no use of mechanical means and comes from a sustainable and organic farm that protects biodiversity, flora and fauna.

The benefits of cacao are 10-fold. It is a rich source of polyphenols, antioxidants that protect our cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. Scientific research has shown that polyphenols can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels. The health benefits of cacao include improved cardiovascular health and cognitive function.

It crosses the blood brain barrier and regulates the neurotransmitters of the brain such as dopamine and serotonin, which create a sense of happiness. It is, therefore, a medicine for stress and anxiety, promoting positive mental health and beneficial for addiction recovery.

Theobromine in cacao, inhibits the inappropriate firing of the vagus nerve, which is a key feature of persistent coughing. Research has shown that drink cacao suppresses the activity of the vagus nerve.

It is high in magnesium, which plays a part in 300 cellular processes. It contains zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorous, copper and vitamins A, E, K1 and B complex. All playing their part in optimum health.

Cacao also contains anandamide, often referred to as the bliss molecule. It is a neurotransmitter that binds to the cannabinoid receptors of the body and the brain, which stimulate a sense of happiness and wellbeing. The love molecule in cacao, phenylethylamine, stimulates the brain’s pleasure centres, which are released when we fall in love. In total, a delicious and rewarding medicine.

What happens during a treatment?

Each session lasts around 90-minutes and takes place either seated on a yoga mat and cushion, or on a chair depending on the client. While seated we begin with gentle movements focused on the spine, to loosen it up, to support sitting for a longer period. Slowly we move into pranayama. The different breath techniques will vary depending on the client and their intention and focus. Once the mind is calm, and the body still, then cacao is served so it can be received and drunk mindfully and with gratitude. Once complete the client is invited to lie down for deep relaxation and a guided meditation. Before closing and giving thanks there is time to share.